Updated on: 06-May-2020

Congratulations!!! Holy Child School , Bharatpur has launched Franciscan e-Care Pro mobile app

Franciscan e-Care pro Mobile App/Portal is a smart tool, a complete and comprehensive package which brings all e-Care facilities at one place at fingertips for all users (school management, teachers, parents and students). Responding to the growing use of mobile technology in the modern world and the increased adoption of smart phones, e-Care has extended its multi-platform capabilities to include support for tablets and smart phones. e-Care now enables users to carry their school world in their pockets with this mobile application. To Download search as Franciscan e-care pro on Play Store/iTunes and Use HCSRDR as School code & Username: Password: Use Username and password provided you in message from ecare team FOR ANY QUERY/SUPPORT OR HELP Please call on: 7388386665
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